that one magazine is chock full of things I want to make but every once in a while it does happen. Like with this one. I really like this one. And easy and scrappy, right. I have lots of scraps. But not the '30's fabrics like in the picture.
So this is my version. Substitute fabrics in my normal colours and some Kona tan -- yes, a solid, and here it is. I like how it turned out. It is pretty big -- you can see it is bigger than my design floor. So it will be a bear to quilt. Ahem, once it is sandwiched and pinned. Whenever that will be...
Then there is this one. I love all of it but the appliqued leaves. They don't do much for me. But I love the turquoise added to fall colours. Even though I don't particularly own much turquoise. Being blue and all.
So this is what I did. The leafy focus fabric had been hanging around for a while and is one that I really like. Rich jewel like colours in it. So I chose others, again many scraps. and ended up with this. Again I really like how it turned out. It, too, is awaiting sandwiching and pinning.
And then there is this one. Tiny little bits.
And it just so happens that I have lots and lots of the corners that were cut off from another project. So, ta da, here is my raw material. And the first few rows. This is a project I am working on in between others -- kind of like leaders and enders. So it won't be finished for a while even at its small size.
So what else have I been doing? This quilt started out as one of those stacks of fabric that look good together. But of course I didn't take a pic of the stack. The top is not together yet and I am considering borders. I think that the blue may be my choice! The lighter blue. That fabric is probably at least 25 years old. It is an old favourite. I had it in kind of a toast brown, too. But that one is all gone. Every once in a while I find a tiny bit of it. It makes me smile.
So, speaking of really old, this is a nightgown like I wore when I was a teenager and in my twenties. Lanz of Salzburg. This is actually one from those years. I have saved it thinking of using the flannel in something.
At some point my MIL gave me a new one. A little pastel for my tastes. So I never wore it and at some point I gave up on these nightgowns. Too long ago to remember. Anyway, I decided to make these pajama pants out of the newer one. Let's you know how full those old gowns were because with some careful laying out I got all the pieces I needed with all the stripes even going the right direction. I had to show you the old one because of course I forgot to take a pic of this one before I had taken it all apart. Now I just need to remember how to sew clothing!
We live in a little neighbourhood full of older retired folks. That means estate sales are a pretty regular feature. I found both these bottles for $1 each. Don't you love the metal handle? I have a brown Borden's quart milk bottle, and now I have a bigger one. Milk tastes much different from a glass bottle I think. Almost drinkable. Almost.
Then these were at the thrift store. They were hooked over what looked like asbestos trivets. Pretty stained as well, but now that they have been set free and soaked aren't they cool? I don't know what I will do with any of these finds but something will come of them I am sure.
It's so hard to pay retail for decorative items when they are so inexpensive at the thrift store. Buying there leaves more funds for fabric. And that's a good thing.
Oh my, you have been so productive with your quilt making, I haven't done much lately...... but you've inspired me ! Thank-you
ReplyDeleteThe scrappy quilts are wonderful!