As I decorate, and un-decorate, I am always thinking about things I want to improve or change for next year. Remember last year when I made all the extra fabric chain? Come to think of it I still need to make more. My tree is really tall so there is still plenty of room for more chain.
Another major thing I have been thinking about changing is my tree skirt. Here is my current one. You can probably tell by the fabrics that I made it years and years ago. In the '70's when cotton fabrics were really tough to find. It is quite large. I used a king sized bed sheet for the backing. And it is tied at the corners. It's really pretty round, too. I remember using the pencil and string method of making a circle. Amazing how well that can work!
Oh, and these patterns? I don't see why they couldn't be table toppers. That way you don't have to make that giant cut...
The leadership sign was a gift from my admin long ago when I managed a lumber yard for a now extinct company. (The one in the big picture that my flash pretty much obliterated.) Periodically I find yellow stickies with snarky remarks stuck to it!
So, it's almost 2010. I remember when I was a kid thinking about how old I would be at the turn of the century and here it is a decade into the new one. I am not much for making resolutions but I do need to slim down my stash so a semi resolution will be to try to only buy fabric to complete a project -- I need to use what I have first. (You did notice that all important "try" there, didn't you. Always leave yourself a loophole, right?)
My blogiversary is coming up. My first post was January 5th of last year. I had really only discovered blogs earlier in the fall and was totally captivated. All these people sharing what was going on with their quilting, their decorating, their cooking. I wanted to play, too. It's been fun to meet other bloggers via the comments. So be on the lookout, there will be a giveaway. I have been working on putting some things together. Stay tuned!